Marek Nosal / Jakub Moroziński / Silesian Chamber Orchestra / cond. Maciej Tomasiewicz

Marek Nosal / Jakub Moroziński / Silesian Chamber Orchestra / cond. Maciej Tomasiewicz
The concert at the Henryk Mikołaj Górecki Silesian Philharmonic in Katowice preludes the 18th International Silesian Guitar Autumn Festival and will be held one month before the start of the Festival.
The fact that it is the official inauguration of the 2022/2023 artistic season of the Silesian Chamber Orchestra adds to the significance of this event.
- Marek Nosal – guitar
- Jakub Moroziński – guitar
- Maciej Tomasiewicz – conductor
- Silesian Chamber Orchestra
Among others, the programme includes the piece by Joanna Wnuk-Nazarova Morze Śródziemne, żegnaj. Próba rekonstrukcji for 2 guitars and chamber orchestra, written in 1986, and Concerto for guitar and string orchestra by Marek Pasieczny, which was composed especially for the last edition of the Silesian Guitar Autumn Festival in 2018 and had its premiere then.
The programme:
- Johann Christian Bach – Symfonia B-dur op. 9 nr 1 W. C17
- Marek Pasieczny – Koncert na gitarę i orkiestrę smyczkową „Tribute to Kilar”
- Wilhelm Friedemann Bach – Sinfonia d-moll F. 65 „Adagio e Fuga”
- Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach – Symfonia B-dur H.658 Wq.182/2
- Joanna Wnuk-Nazarowa – Morze Śródziemne, żegnaj. Próba rekonstrukcji na dwie gitary i orkiestrę
- Henryk Mikołaj Górecki – Trzy utwory w dawnym stylu
Tickets are available for purchase through the Silesian Philharmonic.
The Festival Pass does not grant entry to this event.